Hand Puppet Rooster | Beleduc

The Hand Puppets offer a special experience to children since they allow them to actively participate in creating a story. Handpuppets are an effective tool to hold children’s attention and perfectly suited for setting up communication. Linguistic, social-emotional, cognitive and physical skills are promoted while the children are playing with the handpuppets. During creative play,fantastic stories develop and language skills as well as self-confidence of the children are promoted!

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The Hand Puppets offer a special experience to children since they allow them to actively participate in creating a story. Handpuppets are an effective tool to hold children’s attention and perfectly suited for setting up communication. Linguistic, social-emotional, cognitive and physical skills are promoted while the children are playing with the handpuppets. During creative play,fantastic stories develop and language skills as well as self-confidence of the children are promoted!

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